F2F Class Notes 8th December (Raph)


Contact Lenses / Contact (n): 1- a thin plastic lens placed directly on the surface of the eye to correct visual defects, when someone cannot or doesn’t want to wear glasses or to change someone’s eye color.
E.g.: Carol is wearing blue contact lenses.

Magnify (v): 1- make (something) appear larger than it is
E.g.: He used a magnifying lens to read the newspaper.

Telescope (n): 1- an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer. 2- 望远镜
E.g.: He used the telescope to look at the starts.

Surgery (n): 1- medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into someone’s body in order to repair or remove damaged or diseased parts.
E.g.: She had plastic surgery on her nose.

Genius (n): 1- a very, very smart person.
E.g.: Sheldon Cooper is a genius.

Soap Opera (n): 1- a television or radio drama series dealing typically with daily events in the lives of the same group of characters. 2- 肥皂剧.
Mexican soap operas are very overdramatic.

To have an affair (v): 1- to cheat on your partner. 2- to have romantic or sexual relations with someone other than your partner.
She just found out that her husband is having an affair with his secretary.


I think their life is very funny. – I think their lives are very funny.