F2F Class Notes 7th September (Celeste)



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The day before yesterday I went to a water park with my friend in Shanghai. The water park called Maya which is next to the Happy Valley, that was so far away from the downtown. The park is quiet big, and you can see waterslides is everywhere, we almost tried everyone, they looks really scarey, but actually they’re not, so I was a little bit disappointed about it.


Two days ago, I went to a water park with my friend in Shanghai. The water park is called Maya which is next to the amusement park, Happy Valley, that is so far away from downtown. The weather that day was good, not too hot, not too cold, just right. The park is quite big, and you can see waterslides are everywhere, we almost tried every one. They looked really scary, but actually they were not, because they didn’t give me an adrenaline rush. So, I was a little bit disappointed about it.

adrenaline ( uhh – dren – uhh – lin ) n.

eg. sth/sb gives you an adrenaline rush

not too much of sth, not too little of sth, just right/perfect

better late than never = it is better to be late, than never show up at all