F2F Class Notes 7th November (Selma) [1]
Note: Ricci does not have to use the exact phrasing of the underlined translations. She is free to use any phrases of similar meaning that may fit better into her writing. However, she has to use some form of these translations as the idea of the exercise was to allow her to translate Chinese traditional dishes and terms to English.
Note 2 : Ricci would like to talk and write about why she wants to go the USA for her Master’s Degree.
春卷- spring rolls
dough (n) – mixture of flour and water
饺子 – fried dumplings
馄饨 – boiled dumplings that are closed in a different way from 水饺
汤圆- sweet and very soft circular dumplings made out of glutinous rice (sweet dumplings)
to celebrate (v) – to spend time together and commemorate a festival
红包 – red packet
年年有余 – you wish somebody happiness and fortune (money) with every year to come
福到了 – fortune has arrived (to this household)
倒 – to be upside down
We put character 福 upside down because saying “Fortune has arrived” and “Fortune (the character) is upside down” sounds very similar. They use similar characters with similar pronunciation. 倒vs到
to be affiliated – to be partners with someone
e.g. NYU is affiliated with ECNU.
an acquitance – someone you know, but are not very close to
e.g. Brigitta is Ricci’s acquitance.
Very suitable relaxation.
I chose to stay at home.
You must be fluent in English.
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