F2F Class Notes 7th-8th November (Celeste)

This week:

  1. Watch the video, “Magic School Bus: In The Arctic”.http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTExMTc1MDA0.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2&spm=a2h0k.8191407.0.0
  2. Write the answers to these questions in your notebook:Who? What? Where? When? Why?

  3. Type your answers on the computer to practice typing.


signs ( s IIIIII ns )

fluffy ( fl – uh – fee )


hot cocoa = hot chocolate

polar bear n. – large white bear that lives in the Arctic

Arctic n. – place that is very very very cold

upstairs and downstairs

eg. Mom is downstairs in the car.

eg. Celeste and Michelle are upstairs on the 9th floor.

Typing Practice

Magic School Bus: In the Arctic

1. Who? Ms. Frizzle, Pheobe, Arnold, Liz, Keesha, Carlos.

2. What? In the magic school bus.

3. Where? on the magic school bus in the Arctic

4. When?

5. Why?


Please can you give my the pencil?OOPS! I dropped my pencil! Please can you give me my pencil?