F2F Class Notes 7th May (Daniel)

I want to a pilot because I like aviation. The airplane is really big, and I get excited when I see one every time. As a pilot, passengers’ safety is my priority. One of reasons I like flying is because I can see astonishing view up in the sky. How I pilot the plane to descend is an important part of each trip, I have to be extra alert to make my passengers feel comfortable. I also think I will look very cool in a pilot uniform

I want to be a pilot because I like aviation. Airplanes are really big, and I get excited every time I see one. As a pilot, passengers’ safety is my priority. One of reasons I like flying is that I can see astonishing views up in the sky. How I pilot the plane to descend is an important part of each trip, and I have to be extra alert to make my passengers feel comfortable. I also think I will look very cool in a pilot‘s uniform