F2F Class Notes 6th September (Celeste)***

Next Class: Please review at the TBC.

Last week, Howie finished his summer vacation and started his new studies/school year on September 1st. He likes going to school.

previous ( pree – vee – iss )

proud of ( prow – d )
eg. She is proud of him and his hard work.

How has your life changed since he’s been back at school?

I’ve never been on a cruise before.

I’ve never cruised before.

The most interesting thing was watching magic (majic) shows.
The most terrible thing was going down.***


When we arrived in Korea, we went to the city town to sightseeing. – When we arrived in Korea we went to the city center to sightsee.

discipline ( diss uhh plin ) – Does Howie have good discipline?

his grades / scores

term – ***pull tongue back for the ‘r’

interrupting / disrupting

TBC –  review the differences and why they are better or more suitable in some situations

phrase / sentence

key points / main ideas

instructions / directions

positive / negative impact