F2F Class Notes 6th May (Celeste) [4]
From Step 3
Nowadays, most of the time, we’re under huge pressure that comes from the society, work, and family. These pressures impair our quality of life. Some people will go for alcohol which will definitely impair their vision and judgments. If they are addicted to alcohol, their life will become a mess or turn into a disorder. They will feel shameful with themselves and their parents will feel ashamed too. Therefore, we need to increase our ability to handle pressures, instead of letting them ruin us. I would rather protect myself from pressure and control it, and not let it become strong and out of my control. The first priority would be to streamline my work and life.
Nowadays, most of the time, we’re under huge pressure that comes from the society, work, and family. These pressures impair our quality of life. Some people will reach for alcohol which will definitely impair their vision and judgments. If they are addicted to alcohol, their life will become a hot mess or turn into a disorder. They will feel shameful with themselves and their parents will feel ashamed too. Therefore, we need to develop a thicker skin to handle the pressures, instead of letting them ruin us. I would rather handle the pressure better and control it, and not let it become too strong and overcome us. The first priority would be to streamline my work and life.
go for < > reach for
ex: Some people will reach for alcohol.
ex: Some young adults will reach for cocaine.
Sometimes, I will reach for help from my colleagues.
look for/ask for help <> reach out/ seek out/ seek for
Sometimes, I will reach out for help from my colleagues.
Sometimes, I will seek out for help from my colleagues.
I will seek for help.
I will look for help.
Go ask for help.
neutral – not negative, not positive
ex: I’m neutral like Switzerland.
ex: I don’t care, I won’t pick sides, I’m neutral.
mess > hot mess (disgusting)
ex: I will be a hot mess if I don’t wash my hair for 2 weeks.
ex: My life is a hot mess.
increase our ability to handle pressures
We need to develop/have/grow a thicker skin.
You need to have a stronger mindset.
rather protect myself from pressure
I would rather handle the pressure better
not let it become strong
not let it become too strong
not let it overcome us
not let it overpower us
pronunciation work
most – remember to open your mouth big like an ‘O’
impair – please remember to curl your tongue back
‘i’ words – quiz, thicker
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