F2F Class Notes 6th January (Celeste)***

Next Class: Continue upgrading the vocabulary below. 


beginner > intermediate (inter – meed – ee it ) > advanced ( ad – van – st ) > teacher

eg. Suzy is a yoga teacher. Celeste in the intermediate level.

eg. I usually teach the yoga poses half for beginner half for advanced.

How many years have you been married for?

How many years have you been living in China?

pregnant ( preg – nint) adj.  having a child or other offspring/baby animal developing in the body

eg. My dog is pregnant with 5 puppies/baby dogs.

eg. The woman was pregnant.

I am pregnant. – now

I want to be pregnant. / I will be pregnant. /  I want a baby. – future  

I was pregnant. – past

blurred vision – when the eyes look at one thing for too long and suddenly you see 2 or 3 of the same thing

eg. Suzy has blurred vision.

Writing exercise


The train was at 8:05am/8am so I woke up at 7am. For me that was so early. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I finished I saw the time was 7:35am it was very late so I was rushing/running to the railway station. I quickly ran to catch the train which I almost missed. The train took 1 hour 37 minutes/1 hour and a half to arrive at the Hangzhou Railway Station. I took the bus to my home for 1 hour 15 minutes. My mom cooked lunch for us. After, my dad took me to a government office/building to make a birth certificate to get married. When I finished, my daddy picked me up to take me to the Hangzhou bus station to go to the Hangzhou Railway Station.

Upgraded Vocabulary

The train was at 8:05am/8am so I woke up at 7am and got ready. For me that was so early. When I finished getting ready I saw the time was 7:35am it was very late so I was rushing/running to the railway station. I quickly ran to catch the train which I almost missed. The train took 1 hour 37 minutes/1 hour and a half to arrive at the Hangzhou Railway Station. I took the bus to my home for 1 hour 15 minutes. My mom cooked lunch for us. After, my dad took me to a government office/building to make a birth certificate to get married. When I finished, my daddy picked me up to take me to the Hangzhou bus station to go to the Hangzhou Railway Station.

***wash my face, brush my teeth, brush my hair, put clothes on= get ready / getting ready / got ready 


time, lime, crime

black, blue, blur, blob