F2F Class Notes 6th February (Cricket)***


cooties: imaginary disease used by young school children in America.

eg. Yuck, you gave me cooties.

prerequisite: something that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.

eg.I had to complete many prerequisites in order to graduate from nursing school.

flattering: enhances someone’s appearance

eg. That dress is so flattering on you.

tropical: climate of a place; hot and humid

eg. I love tropical places because of the beautiful plants and birds.

niche: specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of productor service.

It’s good to have a niche in the market because you have less competition.

The northerners go to the southern-most part of China to escape the cold. (native speaking)

I gained weight – I put on weight


I have a faithI have faith in him

I went home spend time with my parentsI went home and spent time with my parents.

And I think I don’t want to come back hereI had such a great time at home that I didn’t want to come back.

I feel shocked I felt shocked

I only drink waterI will only drink water- I’m only drinking water.

If he do that then I would have known If he did that, then I would have known.


Write a diet and exercise plan.