F2F Class Notes 6th December (Tanya)


Compound (n) – gated community where people live

e.g. Most people in Chinese big cities, live in compounds.

Garage (n) – a place where you park your car

e.g. Carol has to pay money to park her car in her garage.

圣诞è€äººâ€“ Santa Claus

Christmas: 25th of December

Saint-Nicholas: 6th of December

Saint (n) – holy person

e.g. Saint-Nicholas was a holy person.

Carrot (n) – 胡èåœ

Sugar cubes (n) 

Image result for sugar cubes

holy (a) – 神圣 

hint (n) – to give someone a clue of something

e.g. I’ll give you a hint regarding my age: I’m a college student.

clue (n) – something you tell someone so they can solve a mystery or a problem

e.g. In the game Cluedo, clues are left everywhere.

to restrain (v) – to put limits on yourself

e.g. Carol and Tanya have to restrain themselves from eating too much chocolate.

clumsy (a)- someone who is clumsy is not careful,  not elegant, trips a lot over things

e.g. Tanya is very clumsy and she cut herself while preparing vegetables.

nutritional (a) – something that is full of vitamins or things that are good for your body (healthy)

e.g. Dark bread is more nutritional than white bread.

evolution (n) – 进化论,the theory says that over centuries apes have gradually evolved into humans through evolution

e.g. Evolution tells us that we have common ancestors with the apes.

fur – animal hair

e.g. Bears have a lot of fur.

far-fetched – unlikely and unconvincing

e.g. A hundred years ago, the theory of evolution seemed incredibly far-fetched to the majority of people.

mammals – 哺乳动物


nutritional – new tri sjo nel