F2F Class Notes 6th December (Tanya)


sightseeing – seeing touristic places

e.g. Dorothy should go sightseeing when she’s in Paris next week.

itinerary – travel plan

e.g. Dorothy is figuring out her itinerary for her Europe trip.

northern lights – the lights in the sky you see when you travel to very northern parts of the world

e.g. Dorothy wants to go to Iceland to see the northern lights.

bilingual – someone who speaks two languages

e.g. Dorothy is bilingual: she speaks English and Chinese

intimidating – something that makes you scared or that makes you feel bad

e.g. It’s very intimidating when native English speakers use very difficult words or speak very fast.

terrorist attacks – mass attacks on people (usually with religious motivation)

e.g. Dorothy shouldn’t be worried about any terrorist attacks happening while she’s in Paris.

Places to go close to Paris: 

Bruges, Belgium (old city)

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Cologne, Germany (Christmas markets)


itinerary – ai tin er eri