F2F Class Notes 6th April (Tanya)


to faint – 昏倒

e.g. I almost fainted yesterday because I hadn’t eaten all day and I only slept one hour.

to freak out – to go crazy

e.g. I fainted yesterday and my mom freaked out.

faint – weak, light

e.g. I feel very faint when I don’t eat for a long time.

don’t sweat the small stuff – don’t care too much about little things that don’t matter

to memorise – to study for something and then be able to remember it

e.g. I memorised 500 new English words yesterday.

to remember – to think about something that happened in the past

e.g. I remember the time when I was in elementary school and I didn’t have to do homework.

vaccine – a sort of medicine you get that protects you against a specific kind of disease

e.g. I got the flu vaccine, so now I can’t get the flu anymore. It only works for one year though.

the flu – 流感

e.g. Every winter, I get the flu.

wounds – 伤口

e.g. I fell down from my bike and I have a huge wound on my knee.

clumsy – 不小心, not careful, not elegant

e.g. I was very clumsy when I was little, I was always tripping over something.

a bruise – when you fall down and that leaves a blue or purple mark on your body, that’s a bruise


overprotective – when someone wants to protect someone else too much

e.g. A lot of mothers are overprotective. My mom always needs to know where I am, she’s so overprotective.


I was very afraid I had a serious illness.

I had to mentally prepare for bad news.