F2F Class notes 5th September (Eddie) [1]
For next class, compare the meaning of several more pairs of words below that look or sound similar and be prepared to discuss them.
fly / flew / flown
I fly / He / She flies to Beijing every Monday morning.
I flew to Beijing last week.
I have never flown to Xi’an. I have always taken the train.
Time flies.
Time flies when you’re having fun.
Words that sound similar, but have different meanings.
expect vs
contest n vs contest v context n vs contact n vs contact v contrast n vs contrast v contract n vs contract v
contest (‘con-test) n = competition
to contest (con – ‘test) v = to challenge, to debate (when we don’t agree with something)
contact n =
to contact v =
What does it mean?
when spoken quickly, sounds like
What’s that mean?
A: I asasfds to buy a klasdfafds.
B: What’s that? (I couldn’t hear what you said, can you repeat, please?)
spoken quickly, it sounds like
B: Whassat?
Shen me?
1. I am going to go home early.
2. I’m gonna go home early.
3. Imna go home early.
4. Imma go home early.
1. I am going to go to Beijing.
2. I’m gonna go to Beijing.
3. Imna go to Beijing.
apostrophe [ uh – pos – truh – fee]
punctuation: comma, period. colon: semicolon; dash – apostrophe’ quotation ‘ or ” question marl?
(parentheses) [brackets]
It’s going to rain, but I don’t care. Imna go fishin’. = I am going to go fishing.
I like travelin’. incorrect spelling, should not be used in writing except when quoting
When I was a young boy, my grandfather said to me: “Boy, grab yer rod and let’s go fishin’!“
to quote = to repeat the exact words said by someone else
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