F2F class notes 5th September

Question: what did you do today?

Answer: i went to work

Question: What is your job?

Answer: Im a optical systems designer

Question: How long have you been working in this industry for?

answer: I have been working in this industry for about ten years

Question: Do you like it?

Answer: Its not too bad

Question: Where are you from?

Answer: Im from the North of China, from Baoding city, But I went to university in Harbin

Question: Did you enjoy university?

answer: My university was very good.

Q:How long have you been married?

A: I’ ve been married for three years

pronunciation three= FREE

i’ve= I have

question: Do you want children?

answer:I want children, but not now, later.

I want it now

I dont want it now

question:What do you like to do when you are not working?

Answer: I like to watch documentaries and work on accomplishing my plans.

I like to read books about English.

exterior= outside

interior = inside

my wife is an interior designer
