F2F Class Notes 5th May (Tony)


makes you tired

did you get to do exercise yesterday? No, I had to do exercise.

I’m not used to moving around, I need to settle down.

it’s economical to reuse clothing.

at my home/ in my home

screen – a surface used to view things, like on a computer or phone

eg: The screen is broken on my phone.

preservatives – keep a food lasting longer

eg: Preservatives keep food longer, but are not so healthy.

recycle – to use something again, to make something new from (something that has been used before)

eg: Some restaurants use recycled oil to cut costs.

desktop – a large tower computer, usually with a tower for the machine, and a monitor for the screen.

eg: I have a desktop in my hometown.

port – a connection part to put in a USB or other cable

eg: My headphone port is broken.

cable – a long cord used to send electricity or information.

Power cable, USB cable.