F2F Class Notes 5th May (Tony)


room for promotion

I work for Huanrong, a small trading company.

Charles Schwab – Financial institution, focuses on investing.

give them advice to help them trade themselves

he runs (operates) a charity

they look at you, like you owe them

resume (V.)– to continue, after you have stopped for a while

eg: Trading is closed at 5pm, we can resume(V.) trading tomorrow at 9am.

admire – look up to someone, and maybe want to be like them.

eg: Many people admire buffet for his financial savvy.

trustworthy – worth being trusted

eg: People won’t donate to charities, if they are not trustworthy.

environment – nature, everything around you

eg: Greenpeace is the biggest environmental charity in the world.

New Rich – newly rich people, who sometimes have bad manners and behavior

eg: I think the new rich got there suddenly with the help of the government.


Charles Schwab – Shwa b’

Goldman Sachs – Goldmen Saks

Resume (N.) – Reh Ze May/CV

Resume (V.) – Ree Zoom

Charity – Chair i tee

Zuckerberg – Zuh Ker Berg