F2F Class Notes 5th May (Celeste)

Review 5/3:

crave: to desire, to want

ex: During Iren’s pregnancy, she craved salty foods.

ex: I crave sweet food after I exercise a lot.

eager – impatiently longing > can’t wait

ex: I am eager to hear about Iren’s baby. I haven’t heard from her since they went to the hospital.

ex: I’m eager to hear the news.

longing > waiting, wanting [sometimes romantic]

ex: A long time ago, men would say, “I’m longing for her,” which was like saying, “I desire her, I want her, I miss her.”

palatable – We would always like to have palatable food but we never think if it is healthy.

We would always like to eat palatable food but sometimes it is not always healthy.

We always want to eat palatable food but sometimes it is not always healthy.

munchies – I just read an article if you lack of sleep you will want to have more munchies.

I just read an article that if you lack sleep you will get the munchies.

I just read an article that if you are lacking sleep you will have the munchies.

I just read an article that if you don’t get enough sleep you will crave snacks.

I’m craving munchies. = I’m want to eat snack food.

deprived – lack something

If you deprived of sleeping, you will not focus on your work.

If you are deprived of sleep, you will not focus/concentrate well on your work.

ex: Iren deprived her children of sleep because they needed to study more.

ex: My children are deprived of sleep because they need to study more. <>My children lack sleep because they need to study more.