F2F Class Notes 5th March (Tony)


basical  Basic

associate’s degree – a 2 year degree from a university

bachelor’s degree – a 4 year degree

weekend classes – classes taken on the weekend.

proof N. prove V. – something you have to know that something is real or has happened

eg: “Can you prove it?” “Is there proof that she is qualified.”

semester –  half a school year

procrastinate – to wait to do something

eg: “I should do my homework, but I always procrastinate and do it right before class.”

Writing exercise

Original –

I got associate’s degree 3 years ago,and I realized that the degree will help to tell somebody your level and your skills. So I took the weekend classes, it has been 3 years. Until this year I can graduated but I should finish the graduated work first. So just now I prepared my work. I should finish it totally at the middle of this year. Our teacher checks our work twice a month. So last two weeks I had something so that I couldn’t show my work to my teacher. After this class I should see my teacher.


I got an associate’s degree 3 years ago, and I realized that a degree will help prove that I’m capable. So I took weekend classes at university for 3 years. This semester I should finish my graduate (adj.) work. So just now I was finishing my work. I should have it done by the middle of this year. Our teacher checks our work twice a month. But the last two weeks I had something to do so I couldn’t show my work to my teacher. After this class I will see my teacher.