F2F Class Notes 5th July (Harmony)



cashing (cah – shing) – smile at the end.

entertainment (enter – tain – ment)

procurement (noun) (pro – cure – ment):  to procure/ to get/ to buy or find. (think purchaser).

Eg.  Overseeing procurement is always complicated.

various (vare – E – us)

necessities (nes – sess – ih – tees)

maritime:  for the sea/ anything related to the ocean.

Eg.  Maritime products contribute a lot to Yantai economy.

Throughput:  the amount of materials, data, etc. that enters and goes through sth.  (rate of production.

Heavyweights: the champion in a boxing match. (boxing) other— the champion, the best one.

Eg.  Google is a heavyweight company in the technology industry.

Hyundai (hun – die) – Canadian pronunciation.

Bureau (beur – oh)

Clearance (clear – ans)

Procedures (pro – see – jurs)

Contractual – contract:  a signed agreement.  A signed contract/ secured by a contract.

Eg.  Contractual agreement says that we need to pay the balance in ten days.

Streamlining:  making the procedure easier and more clear.  (getting rid of the excess)

Eg.  We try to streamline the application process.

I like my boss at my previous work I liked my boss at….

If something good is not happen – If it doesn’t work out


In tv and in the internet

  • On.
  • On the tv/ On the internet/ on the phone.