F2F Class Notes 5th January (Tony)

I handle rescheduling

I settle the schedule conflicts

temporary adj. – only lasts a short time

eg: “This is just a temporary position for me.”

temporarily adv. – not a permanently

eg: “So, you’re just here temporarily?”

will you go back for good? (forever, an indefinite time)

No, I’m just going back to visit, then I’m (coming) back to Shanghai.

the last straw – the last thing to make something become too much. From when horses would carry straw on their backs, and if you put too much straw, the horse would fall over.”

eg: “She broke his heart and he passed away. It was the last straw, after he lost his job and his home.”

Quote – a suggested price

eg: “Every day I deal with several price quotes from different suppliers.”

match – a person or thing that equals or resembles another in some respect.

eg: “If other suppliers can match the quality of the product for a cheaper price, we will go with them.”


the same quality as the original supplier


Quote – Kwoh te

temporarily – tem puh rar a lee