F2F Class Notes 5th February (Jesse)

rocket league – car football game on ps4

stuff – shi qing – a

staff – yuan gong – ar 

bonus – extra money

chinese yearchinese new year / new year / spring festival 

performance review

in person = face to face

on the phone = phone

online = video / audio

through email = email

i will face to face with the staff – i will meet face to face with the staff / i will meet with the staff in person 

the bonus is based on (is related to) the performance review

the performance review determines (decides) the bonus

if he agree with it

i will reply to you

i always don’t give him a report – i never give him a report 

i always give him a report < > i never give him a report 

i have a lot of money < > i don’t have a lot of money 

score – number = 90%

record – shows something that happened in the past (voice / test / picture / writing)

report – feedback about something / results

count = tong ji

calculate = da suan

if the time enough if i have enough time / if there is enough time 

difficulty / difficulties 

eg. i always play on the normal difficulty but there are 3 other harder difficulties

can’t beat him / can’t get past = to finish a level / kill a boss

story mode / campaign

cutscene – a video that tells a story within a game

graphics – hua mian