F2F Class notes 5th August (Eddie)

the grass is always greener on the other side = we sometimes mistakenly believe that circumstances other than our current ones are better

greener pastures = different and usually better location/employment/etc

green with envy = to be jealous of something or someone, to envy something or someone

the green eyed monster = jealousy, envy

to have a green thumb = to be good at gardening

gardener = a person who looks after a garden

blue in the face =

ivory = white (of color)

Like usual I woke up at seven today, and tried to take some milk then I realized that I forgot to buy a new one.So I just ate an apple for breakfast. When I leaved the apartment the manager made me stay and told me that I was out of electric charge, and I should pay the bills before I went to work.

This morning I woke up at 7, as usual, and tried to drink some milk when I realized that I had forgotten to buy more / I didn’t have any. I just ate an apple for breakfast instead. When I left the apartment the superintendent stopped me and told me that my electricity would be cut off if I didn’t pay the bills before I went to work.