F2F Class Notes 5 June (Peter)


To wake up

To get out of bed

To eat breakfast

To brush your teeth

To wash your face

To get dressed

Ex. This morning, I woke up and got out of bed at 9:00 AM. Then, I ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and got dressed.

To watch TV

To relax

To exercise

To surf the web

To have lunch

Ex. In the afternoon, I watched TV and relaxed. Then, I went to the gym to exercise. When I finished, I got out my computer and surfed the web while I had lunch.

Gym – 健身房

To go home

To have dinner

To wash the dishes

To unwind – 放松

Ex. In the evening, after I got home from work. I ate dinner and washed the dishes. Then I could finally watch TV and unwind.

Opposite – 反

Handsome – 帅

Ugly – 难看

Verb – 动词

Noun – 名词

Adjective – 形容词

Adverb – 副词

Subject – 主语

Object – 宾语

Basic – 基本

Sentence – 句子

Structure – 结构

Blonde – yellow hair, a person with yellow

Ex. In the photo, he is blonde.


Synonyms – two words that mean the same thing

Ex. Big vs Huge, Handsome vs Good-looking

Antonyms – two words that mean opposite things

Ex. Big vs Small, Handsome vs Ugly

I vs Me vs My, He vs Him vs His, She vs Her vs Her

Ex. His eyes are brown OR He has brown eyes.

His shows 所有制,but He=主语

Sentence Structures

Subject + Verb + Object (This is the basic sentence structure in English:主语+动词+宾语)

Ex. I love you, I like food, I hate rain.

Sometime, you don’t need an object.

Ex. Today at 9:00AM, I got up (I=subject, got up=verb)


Opposite (AWE-puh-sit)

Gym (jim)

Dishes (DIH-shiz, remember it’s only two syllables)
