F2F Class Notes 4th May (Celeste)[S]
sofa vs. shafa
damage / damaging / damaged / will damage v. – to break, destroy, ruin
eg. If you get a cat, it might damage the sofa.
Suzy is Chinese and Michel is French, they think differently, they have different mentalities.
Suzy wants to spend time with just Michel, she wants alone time with him.
Suzy’s personality is too strong for some people.
We make a party at this Saturday night. – We will have a party on Saturday night.
eg. We will plan/prepare to have a party…
eg. We will throw a party (native), we will throw confetti (sa hua ban)
Speaking exercise
What are your plans for the weekend?
On Saturday morning I will go to practice yoga after I will have lunch with Michel. Maybe Michel’s friends with us together. I think maybe drink coffee or tea in the afternoon and then we go home to prepare and go to the party. The party start at 7:30PM.
On Saturday, we sleep too late to noon and have lunch similar with Saturday afternoon. In the evening, have dinner with friends.
On Saturday morning at 10AM I will go to practice yoga and after I will have lunch with Michel. I think maybe Michel’s friends will eat with us. I think maybe we will drink coffee or tea in the afternoon. Depending on the weather, if it is a sunny day we will find an outdoor cafe. If it rains, we will stay inside. Then we will go home to get ready and go to the party. The party starts at 7:30PM.
On Sunday, we will sleep in to noon and have lunch like Saturday afternoon. In the evening, we will have dinner with friends.
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