F2F Class Notes 4th July (Peter)


The main character – the main role

He met a lot of troubles and sufferings – he dealt with a lot of struggle

Personal guide – personal trainer

I think it’s much healthy – it’s much healthier

When I speak some sentence – when I say a sentences

Do you suggest me to read – do you suggest/advise/recommend I read



Allot – to distribute or allow to have

Ex. The teacher allotted each student 1 book.

Overkill – too much of something

Tangible – able to be touched and seen

Syntax – the order of words and punctuation

Quirk – a funny and special characteristic

Slang – spoken language

Interchangeable – synonymous, having the same meaning

Posh – overly fancy


To wear something out means to use something (tangible) so much that it is no longer usable. The adjective form is worn out.


A lot and Allot (same pronunciation)

Character (KEH-rick-turr)