F2f Class Notes 4th February (Rab)
Stranded – pronunciation – remember the n
Dispersed – individuals move away from each other
dissipated – for abstract things such as problems and
Pronunciation ( just the first one is irregular)
Migration – my-gration
Immigration -i-mi-gration
Emigration – eh-mi-gration
In Monday to Friday – from Monday to Friday
If you ride the train from end to end you might not see anyone
To take the event – to take part in the workshop
Beep – the sound of electrical stuff sometimes
Ex. The TV goes beep every time I change the channel
Ex. My phone goes beep when wechat wants attention
Flash – a short moment (often) of light
Ex. The light on the TV is flashing so I know something is wrong
Ex. My phone keeps flashing I think I need to get it fixed
Onomatopoeia – a word that is said as the sound it describes
Ex. Bang, boom, splash, pow, wow, crack, smack
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