F2F Class Notes 4th Aug (Harmony)



Tornado (tore – nay – do)

Crooked (crook – id)


Usually (you – zhoo – ul –e)

“getting on me”:  remind me/bugging me

dismantle:  to take apart.

Eg.  Before I move apartments I have to dismantle my furniture.

mopping the floor with someone:  wiping them on the floor—winning—beating someone at a game.

Sprinkler:  a device used to water grass.

Phys-physical (fis) ed. – education (ED):  gym class.

Rehearsals (re – hur – sulls):  practice.

Eg.  We had a rehearsal to make sure we knew the music for band class.

Diaper (dy-per):  the underwear that a baby wears that they can poop in, and then you have to change them.

Backfired: to bring the result opposite of what was planned.

Loaded:  full.

Problem (prob – lum/ prob-lem)   probalum

Idea – idear

Bug/bugged/bugging:  bother/annoy/irritate.

Eg.  It bugs me when my sister chews loudly.

Parental:  parents

Parental warning sticker:  a sticker that is put onto music/video games to prevent kids from getting them.

Filling:  when the dentist puts something into your tooth after it has gone bad.

Eg.  I think I shook some of my fillings out = he thinks the fillings might fall out now.

Blubbering:  messy crying.  (make a blubber sound)

Cranked (crankT)

Sneak:  to move sneakily/stealthily

Snuck: past of sneak.

Stereo: a big sound system/cd player

Crank/cranked/cranking:  to turn by use of the lever/knob

March/marched/marching:  to walk in a certain rhythm.  (think about the army)

Sarcastic:  a form of humor when a person says the opposite of what they mean.

Jesse:  Harmony, you are never allowed another day off you have to work every day.

Harmony:  That’s great!  I hate having time off anyways.

  • Harmony is being sarcastic.

Let’s go have spicy hot pot.

  • Super, I love getting diarrhea.