F2F Class Notes 4th April (Raph)[S]


Technical (adj): 1- relating to the knowledge and methods of a particular subject or job.
E.g.: Personally, I found some parts of the book a little too technical to follow.

Establishment (n): 1-  the important and powerful people who control a country or an organization, especially those who support the existing situation.
E.g.: Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment.

Ultimate (n): 1- most extreme or important because either the original or final, or the best or worst.
E.g.: Of course the ultimate responsibility for the present conflict without doubt lies with the aggressor.

Unseat (v): 1- to remove someone from power, especially as a result of an election.
E.g.: The Democrats did not manage to unseat enough Republicans to regain majority in Congress.

Atrophy (v): 1- to become weaker and smaller.
E.g.: After several months in a hospital bed, my leg muscles had atrophied.
E.g.: In the 1980s, their political power gradually atrophied (= became weaker).

Insider (n): 1- someone who is an accepted member of a group and who therefore has special or secret knowledge or influence:
E.g.: According to insiders, the government is having difficulty making a decision.


(Original – Edited)

I go back to my hometown. – I came back to my hometown. (because you are there now)

I want to ask some question. – I want to ask some questions. 

China don’t provide help. – China doesn’t provide help.

Speaking exercise


I think I can communicate with someone face to face no problem. If I use English in work I think I’m not very confident about it. Sometimes I will join some telephone or video conference with my foreigner colleagues. It is a bit quick for me. If they speak some special words or phrases I can’t get it.


I don’t have a problem when communicating with people face to face. But if I need to use English at work,  I don’t feel  confident. Sometimes I  have to join telephone or video conferences with my foreign colleagues, and if they speak very quickly or say something very technical or specific, it is difficult for me to understand.


Ally: /ˈæl.aɪ/

