F2F Class notes 3rd September (Eddie)

I’ve been go to Xiameng. – I went to Xiameng.

Q: How long did you stay there?
A: Five days.

Q: How long did you stay there?
A: I stay Xiameng five days. – I was in Xiameng for five days.

Q: How old are you?
A: Thirty-nine.


Q: How old are you?
A: I am thirty-nine years old, thank you for asking.

1.  I love movies.

2. I don’t like people.

1. I always go to work early.

2. I have never been to Europe.

1. I always go to sleep late.

2. I never eat after 7pm.

1. I always call my mother on weekends.

2. I never drive to work.

1. I always eat my vegetables first and the meat second

2. I never eat mushrooms.

Q: What is your favorite sport?
A1: Swim.
A2: My favorite sport is swimming.

Q: What is your favorite food?
A: My favorite food is steak.

Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A1: A brother.
A2: I have one brother, who is 6 years younger than me.

Q: Can you please come to my house next week. I need your help.
A1: Okay. I will come.
A2: Okay. I will try to be there Wednesday night around 8, is that okay?

Brunch is a combination of breakfast and lunch eaten usually during the late morning, but it can extend to 3pm.

combination = a mix of two or more things


business and pleasure / work and fun

Don’t mix business and pleasure.

Business and pleasure is a bad combination.

Drinking and driving is a terrible combination.