F2F Class Notes 3rd January (Tony)


I brought some questions

I took some questions with me

Come here/ Bring here

Go there/ Bring there

the table is an L-shape

we wanna use 4 L-shaped tables to put on the perimeter of the room.

perimeter – the outside edge of a shape or building or room

eg: “Ther perimeter of the rectangle is 24 centimeters.

area – the total space in square meters

eg: “What is the area of this room?” “How many square meters is this room?”


so they can easily understand it

so it is easy to understand

how do you pronounce…

very strong

the tables will fill up the room

in the same area

straight table


Analysis n. – Ah naal le sis

analyze v. – Ann uh lize

natural – nah cher ul

nature – nay cher    (an E at the end of a word, makes the previous vowels stronger in pronunciation)