F2F Class Notes 3rd January (Celeste)***


Read the page below 2-3 more times. Write down 7-9 words you don’t know and look them up in a dictionary. Write about the new words in a paragraph, make 2 example sentences for each. Upload it in your next class.

Speaking exercise

Q: How are you?

A: I’m _____ because _____.


My friend is as tall as me.

She is as short as her sister.

He is as fat as his cousin because they all like to eat junk food.

Occasionally, it is hard to learn math.

Her pen is opposite of my pen.

In the summer, insects will sing upon the trees.

I interest in drawing animation character and their dresses are in particular. I am interested in drawing animation characters and their dresses in particular.

A scab has formed on her hand so she feels a little pain.

He flicked off the light switch on the wall.

The crowd was enormously enthusiastic.

Writing exercise

I didn’t know what “speech” meant. It means an act of speaking of many listeners . For example, her speech is perfectly .He will to make a speech about vedio games next week.
I didn’t know what “applauding” meant. It means praise. For example, should I applaud her?Yes,I applaud your decision.
I didn’t know what “chatterbox” meant. It means someone talks a lot . For example,I was a chatterbox in the class .Tom is such a chatterbox.
I didn’t know what “sharply” meant . It means strict. For example, he spoke sharply with his daughter. The teacher talk to the student very sharply.
I didn’t know what “naturally” meant. It means without trying to look different from usual . For example,when you have a speech try to act naturally . she behaved naturally before the microphone
I didn’t know what “hankering” meant. It means a yearning for sth. For example, have you always . For example, have you always had a hankering to be a pianist? He has been hankering to spend a night talking with you.
I didn’t know what “enlightened” meant. It means having knowledge. For example,his words have enlightened me . His conversation is so enlightened.


I didn’t know what “speech” meant. It means an act of speaking to many listeners. For example, her speech is perfect. He will make a speech about video games next week.
I didn’t know what “applauding” meant. It means praise or clapping your hands together to praise. For example, should I applaud her?Yes, I applaud your decision.
I didn’t know what “chatterbox” meant. It means someone talks a lot . For example, I was a chatterbox in the class . Tom is such a chatterbox.
I didn’t know what “sharply” meant. It means strict. For example, he spoke sharply with his daughter. The teacher talks to the student very sharply.
I didn’t know what “naturally” meant. It means without trying to look different from usual. For example,when you have a speech try to act naturally. She behaved naturally before the microphone.
I didn’t know what “hankering” meant. It means a yearning for sth. For example, have you always had a hankering to be a pianist? He has been hankering to spend a night talking with you.
I didn’t know what “enlightened” meant. It means having knowledge. For example, his words have enlightened me . His conversation is so enlightened.