F2F Class Notes 3rd December (Tony)

hybrid – is a combination of two things to make a new one eg: “There are many animal hybrids in nature, for example the Liger, which is a Lion and a Tiger crossbreed.”

sterile – clean environment, absent of all bacteria eg: “People can get sick eating street food because the tools they cook with are often not sterile.

infertile – can not reproduce eg: “This land is infertile, we can’t grow crops here.” “My wife is infertile, she can’t have children.”

bacteria – microscopic organisms which can be helpful or harmful. eg: “Probiotic yoghurt has helpful bacteria for humans digestion.”

mammal – animal, that is warm-blooded, doesn’t lay eggs, have hair

reptile – animal, that has scales on its skin, it is cold-blooded, lays eggs. eg: “Snakes and lizards are reptiles.”  “I like lizardS.”

Platypus – looks like a hybrid between a duck and a beaver. eg: “Platypus are a strange mammal, because they are poisonous and lay eggs.”

evolve (v)- when something changes into another better thing eg: “Humans didn’t evolve from Chimpanzees or Monkeys, but we have a close relative.”

Zonkey – a real animal hybrid, a cross between a zebra and a donkey.

That looks like a cross between (a/an)  ____ and  (a/an) _____

That looks like a cross between a penguin and a panda.

Their chromosomes should match or they can’t reproduce.

Hybrid car – a car that combines Gasoline and Electric power.  eg: “Hybrid cars are better for the environment because they use less fossil fuels.”

fossil – ancient organisms that have been changed into substances, eg: “oil is a fossil fuel.”