F2F Class Notes 3rd December (Tony)


It’s sunny

It’s a sunny day

Sunny days are rare in Shanghai.

every day I have a lot of work

every day I have many tasks to do.


hazy – not clear eg: “My memory is a little hazy, can you remind me.”

rare – very uncommon, hard to find eg: “Gold is valuable because it is rare.”

pants – all kinds of clothes you wear that cover your legs eg: “I got 3 pairs of pants for $50.

jeans – kind of pants, made of denim

trousers – kind of a british way to say pants, not common in America

wear out – to use something enough that it starts to lose quality eg: “My shoes are worn out from skating.”

faded(v) (adj) – the color has lost some saturation eg: “I don’t want my pants to look faded and old.”

detergent – soap used for clothes or dishes eg: “You shouldn’t use the same detergent for your clothes and dishes.”

retail price – the price it would normally sell for in a store eg: “Retail for this shirt is $200 but it’s 50% off today.”

Kohler – Kou leR  Cola Kou le