F2F Class Notes 3rd April (Raph)***


Read the article again and write a paragraph summarizing it.


Punish (n): 1- to cause someone who has done something wrong or committed a crime to suffer, by hurting them, forcing them to pay money, sending them to prison, etc.:
E.g.: Those responsible for these crimes must be brought to court and punished.

Sightseeing (v): 1- the activity of visiting interesting places, especially by people on holiday.
E.g.:  We did some sightseeing in Paris.

Skinny-dip (v): 1- to swim while naked
We went skinny-dipping in Thailand.

Establishment  (n): 1- the important and powerful people who control a country or an organization, especially those who support the existing situation.
E.g.: Critics said judges were on the side of the establishment.

Chill (v/adj): 1- to relax. 2- relaxed, easy-going.
E.g.: We love to chill at the bar after work.
Most bosses are not chill people.

Hack (v/n): 1- gain unauthorized access to data in a system or, especially, a computer or a phone. 2- a good solution or piece of advice.
E.g.: They hacked into the bank’s computer”
E.g.: Here are 50 life hacks that will change your life for the better.

Hacker (n): 1- someone who hacks into other people’s computer or phone systems to steal information.
E.g.: Russian hackers tried to interfere in the 2016 American Presidential Elections.

Photosynthesis (n): 1- 光合作用

O2: Oxygen

CO2: Carbon Dioxide

CO: Carbon Monoxide


Desert: /ˈdez.ɚt/

Dessert: /dɪˈzɝːt/

Police: /pəˈliːs/

Priority: /praɪˈɔːr.ə.t̬i/

Losses: /lɑːsəz/

Industry: /ˈɪn.də.stri/

Industrial: /ɪnˈdʌs.tri.əl/