F2F Class Notes 3rd April (Jesse)

special offer / deal – a short term special chance that can save you money

eg. even though we missed our flight, they gave us a special deal that allows us to come back within a year for only 500 RMB

reschedule – to book a different time

eg. we missed our flight so we just rescheduled the tickets for December and rebooked another flight

get a refund / get our money back 

always not goodnever good 

i have a lot of money < > i don’t have much money 

i am really bad < > i am not really bad 

my friend and i = me and my friend

alcohol – jiu jing

eg. I don’t really drink alcohol very often, i prefer non-alcoholic drinks

bar / pub

eg. we went to the pub every friday night

the back flight the flight back / the return flight 

the flight there < > the return flight

eg. on the flight there we were all very awake, but on the return flight we were very tired.  

one way / single trip < > return 

middle night midnight

i got home at 5am / I arrived home at 5am / i got back home at 5am

take him to attend a party – take him to a party

It’s up to me

i don’t need to go / i can choose to not go / i can get out of it 

I must go

i need to go / I have no choice but to go / i can’t get out of it 

sui ran = although / even though

eg. I still went, even though I didn’t feel like it

eg2. Although I didn’t feel like going, I still went