F2F Class Notes 31st March (Peter)


Submit – to turn in, usually in reference to homework and assignments.

Ex. The teacher told the students that they are expected to submit every homework assignment on time; no late submissions would be accepted.

Present – current time period

Ex. Verbs can be conjugated to the past, present, and future.

Universe – everything that exists, 宇宙.

Ex. According to scientists, the universe is constantly expanding.

Universal – present everywhere, can be found everywhere, common

Ex. Laughter is sometimes called the universal language because even people who can’t communicate can laugh together.

Trash – rubbish, waste, 垃圾

Ex. Although the word “trash” means waste, it can also be used as an insult.

Insult – something mean or rude said to another person

Ex. The most common insults are “stupid” and “ugly.”

Stupid – not smart, foolish

Ex. Sometimes when people get angry, they call each other stupid.

Ugly – not good-looking

Ex. After she called him stupid, he called her ugly; I can’t believe how rude they are to each other!


Vacuum (VAK-yoom, \ˈva-(ˌ)kyüm\)

Insult (\in-ˈsəlt\)

Stupid (STOO-pid, \ˈstü-pəd\)

Sauce (soss, \ˈsȯs\)
Apron (APE-rin, \ˈā-prən\)

When the last sound of one word sounds similar to the first sound of the next word, we do not need to pause between the words. For example, “I used to” is usually pronounce “I usetoo.”

Submitted homework:

  1. Mop- I usually helped my mom cleared the floor with a mop when I at home.

I used to help my mom mop the floor when I was home. (past)

I usually help my mom mop the floor when I am home. (present)

  1. Cupboard- There is one cupboard in every family’s kitchen at least.

There is at least one cupboard in every family’s kitchen.

Every family has at least one cupboard* in their kitchen.

*Note: the word “cupboard” can sound old, so people more often use the word cabinet.

  1. Vacuum cleaner – A vacuum cleaner is a lovely and popular machine in cities.

Vacuum cleaners are lovely and popular machines, but only people in cities have access to them.

Vacuum cleaners, which are only accessible in cities, are popular machines.

  1. Bin- Please put rubbish into bin, thank you for your cooperation.

Please place/put all trash/rubbish into the bin, thank you for your cooperation.

  1. Fridge- You can put some fruits, drinks and bears into fridge in summer, and you can eat delicious ice foods.

During the summer, if you put some fruit, drinks, and beers into the fridge, you can enjoy the delicious food ice-cold later.

  1. Stool – There were lots of people sat on stools to watching talkshows at weekends in The Mix-Place.

On weekends, a lot of people can be found sitting on stools watching talk-shows in “The Mix Place.”

  1. Frying pan- Sometimes I fried an egg with the frying pan and a cup milk for breakfast in the morning.

Sometimes I use a frying pan to fry an egg for breakfast and wash it down* with a cup of milk.

            *Note: to “wash [food] down” means to drink something after eating.

  1. Saucepan- Always I cooked meat soup with saucepan at weekends.

On weekends, I always make meat soup with a saucepan.

  1. Apron- When I was cooking a meal and washing clothes I weared a brown apron.

I wore a brown apron while cooking and doing laundry.

  1. Bowl- My mom always fills my bowl full with rice and meat./I like to buy some beautiful bowls when I am shopping.

I like to buy beautiful bowls when I go shopping.

  1. Mixer- My mom cooked many meatballs which was mixed meats and fishes with mixer.

My mom used a mixer* to mix meat and fish, which she then made into meatballs.

*Note: the word mixer is not used often because it does not have a specific meaning. If talking about drinks, you can call it a “blender,” and if talking about food you can call it a “food processor.”