F2F Class Notes 31st March (Joseph)


Cramped – same meaning as crowded (e.g. Hong Kong is a very cramped place because there are so many people in a small space.)

Melting pot – a place that has many people from different countries with different cultures. (Shanghai is a melting pot city.)

Integrate – to try to adapt and learn about the place you are in and the people who live there. (e.g. I think it is important for immigrants to try and integrate into the country they are staying in.)

Segregate – the opposite of integrate

Incentive – something that can encourage someone to do something (e.g. FTZ in Lujiazui provides many incentives such as lower taxes to encourage businesses to set-up there.)

Tier 1,2,3,4 – the different types cities in

Income inequality – the different between the richest people’s income and poorest people’s income


Macau (Ma-cow)

Complicated (com-ple-kay-ted)

Punishment (pun-ish-ment)