F2F Class Notes 31st August (Raph)

Haze (n): 1- dust, smoke, or mist that has filled the air so that you cannot see clearly. 2-阴霾
E.g.: The haze covered the valley and was lit by the morning sun.

Smog: (n): 1- fog or haze intensified by smoke or other atmospheric pollutants. 2- 烟雾
E.g.: The smog takes over Shanghai during the winter.

Depressing (adj): 1- causing someone to feel sad or without hope : causing depression.
E.g.: I think rainy weather can be very depressing.

(Original > Corrected)
It’s a Germany company. > It’s a German company.
I more like the Metropolitan compared with the MOMA. > I like the Metropolitan more than the MOMA

What’s interesting about Shanghai is how people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds can live together in harmony and find opportunities for themselves.