F2F Class Notes 30th September (Eddie)

ratio = proportion

signal-to-noise ratio = how much relevant content out of a message or conversation


scale 1:40

to get one’s foot in the door =

Now that I’ve got my foot in the door, they won’t be able to say no.

to get cold feet = to hesitate or change one’s mind about a decision or a plan

Tom was excited about the wedding, but Trisha started getting cold feet and even thought about calling it off.

to get a headstart = to have an advantage over other competitors, such an early start or early performance

we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it = to not worry about something just yet

staycation = stay (at home) + vacation =

portmanteau = a word formed using two different words

smog = smoke + fog
brunch =
chillax =

man + explain = mansplaining

man + spread =

these are the reasons: (colon 🙂 precedes before a statement, an enumeration etc

; (semi-colon 😉 used to keep two messages within the same sentence when they are related enough, but cannot be separated by a comma (,).

Electric cars are the vehicles of the future; our past has taught enough about storing energy.

