F2F Class Notes 30th October (Peter)

Vocabulary 词汇

Portmanteau – a word created by combining two words and their meanings.

Ex. Chinglish, Brexit, Smog, Bedgasm, Hangry (angry because one is hungry).

Perspective – point of view

Funeral – the ceremony for a dead person prior to burial

Hollow – having nothing on the inside

Ex. That tree is dead and hollow.

Culture 文化

In Louisiana, jazz is a major part of the culture. Often, during funerals, processions (marches) are led by a group of jazz musicians, and everyone who is mourning (being sad about) the dead person follows the band. A language emerged in the region, called Louisiana Creole, which incorporated French, Spanish, West African, and Native American words.

Pronunciation 发音

Meme (meem)

Portmanteau (PORT-man-toe)

Louisiana (loo-wee-zee-ANA)