F2F Class Notes 30th March (Cricket)


bold– yonggan-very brave or fearless

eg. The man was very bold to take your phone while you were using it.

eg. These words are bold.

scumbag– renzha-

eg. My ex-boyfriend is a scumbag!

karma-ying guo bao ying-

eg. I think people who steal will eventually have bad karma.

actor=male –actress=female

naked-having no clothes on-or something being bare or empty or plain

eg.The caked looked too naked so I had the bakery add more decorations.

eg. My new boss’s office looked naked, there was nothing on the walls.

eg. I like jumping into the lake naked.

eg. The actors naked photos were taken and put on the internet.

nude-being naked-or natural skin color

eg. I like nude lipstick.

eg. The live model was in the nude.