F2F Class Notes 30th March (Celeste)[W]***
Write a short story about your parents. Try to include a memory of your past with them. (When I was a little girl…) Try to use “admirable”, “instead of” and the grammar below.
insurance card – card given to you by your insurance to prove you have insurance
admirable ( ad – mer – uh – bull ) – when sb/sth inspires others / excellent
eg. Celeste thinks Zora is admirable because she visits her parents once a month in Nanjing to take care of them.
eg. I think my colleague, Fairy, is admirable because she takes care of her baby by herself.
I with my best friend talk about our journey. – My best friend and I talked about our journeys.
Writing exercise
Why I go to Nanjing and back so often because my parents in Nanjing and my home is there.
When I was a student I met my husband in college time. After I graduated from school, I followed my husband to lived in Shanghai and we get married. So from that time I had to leave my home. Now think about it I think leave my parents and home is not a perfect decision for me. Because when I want to see my parents I need take the train or drive a car between two position. It will take a half day, it’s a long journey. The distance between two place about 300 KM. So I had my plan from 6 years ago, I need to go to Nanjing and back once a month at least. I can keep an eye on my parents to stay healthy. When my son groups up. I will take my parents to Shanghai and live together.
I often go to Nanjing and back because my parents are in Nanjing and my home is there.
I go to Nanjing and back so frequently because my parents live in Nanjing and my home is there.
When I was a university/college student in Nanjing I met my husband. Actually, we met in kindergarten but we didn’t see each other until we met again in college.
After I graduated from school, I followed my husband to live in Shanghai and we got married. So from that time I had to leave my home. Now when I think about it I think when I left my parents and home that was not the best decision for me. The reason is, when I want to see my parents I need take the train or drive a car from city to city and back/ Shanghai to Nanjing and back / from one home to the other home and back / from point A to point B and back.
It takes a half day, it’s a long journey. The distance between the two places is about 300 KM. I have been doing this for about 6 years. I need to go to Nanjing and back at least once a month. This way, I can keep an eye on my parents’ health. When my son grows up, I will move my parents to Shanghai and we can/will live together.
graduated ( grad – jew – ate – tid )
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