F2F Class Notes 30th March (Celeste)
She took/had a very good nap.
She took a long nap.
She had a very good nap.
Gloria cares about every person in her family.
She illustrates many Columbia traditions. These traditional stories will let you think about the family ties about a lot of things. I think sometimes she uses metaphors just to give you an idea that something happened in ancient times and now it happens in the modern world.For example, she said, “People need to blow in the back not spit in the face.”
She illustrates many Columbian traditions. These traditional stories will have / make / allow you to think about the family ties and other things. I think sometimes she uses metaphors just to give you an idea that something happened in ancient times and now it happens in the modern world. For example, she said, “People need to blow in the back not spit in the face.”
third world counties (Columbia, Philippines) vs. developed countries (USA/Canada)
privileged – rich, affluent
I think she is so true. – I think she is so real.
Sometimes, I think Gloria’s character is so kind.
I think Claire has some revengeful tendencies.
She got dressed up sexy with sexy blouse. – She dressed up sexy. /She dressed up in a sexy blouse.
I get dressed up when I go out with my husband.
expatriates / expats = foreigners
twice the amount = double
In 2006, I saw a foreign woman at Carrefour fill a shopping cart with everything she wanted and needed. The total price of everything was maybe 600 RMB. If someone did the same thing today, the total price would probably double.
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