F2F Class Notes 30th August (Raph)

Insurance (n): 1- an arrangement by which a company or the state provides a guarantee of compensation for loss, damage, illness, or death in return for a certain monthly payment.
E.g.: Big companies are good, because they always give you health insurance.

Family Business (n): 1- a business in which decision-making is made or influenced by multiple generations of a family.
E.g.: Before I started working for Coca-Cola I used to work for a small family business.

Opportunity (n): 1- a time or set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something. 2- a chance of doing something that you want or that is good for you.
E.g.: Shanghai is a city that offers a lot of opportunity.

Find (v): 1- to discover something unexpectedly or by chance. 2- to come upon something you were looking for.

E.g.: I am looking for my keys, but I can’t find them.

Notice (v): 1- to realize or become aware of something that you didn’t before.
E.g.: I recently noticed that my hair is getting longer.

Come X Go
When you use the word “come”, you’re usually talking about the place you are. You use go when you’re talking about another place, that’s not where you are.
E.g.: I come to school on foot. (I am at school and I’m talking about getting to school)
.        I go to the office by metro. (I am not at the office and I’m talking about getting there).
.        When will you go back to your country?
.        When will you come back to China?

Went = Past Tense of the verb “to go”
Came = Past Tense of the verb “to come”

At the hairdresser: Hi. I’d like to get a haircut. I want it a bit shorter, but not too much.
Talking to a friend about your haircut: I just got a haircut. My hair is really short now!

(Original > Corrected)

It will give you salary never delay. > They will always pay you on time.
                                                          They will never delay your payment.