F2F Class Notes 2nd September (Celeste)

Tell me 2-3 adjectives to describe yourself.

I know/believe I am always hard working. For example, at the end of the year, there are numerous/lots of jobs that HR should finish on time. At that time, I almost worked more than ten hours a day that means every day I had worked OT/overtime. So, I successfully finished all of the jobs and got awards/bonuses from the company because I quickly completed the tasks.

I have affinity, I am friendly. Interviewing is one of my duties/jobs/responsibilities/tasks. When I interview,I always smile and I am friendly to the interviewee.

When the interviewee comes to the company, the first person that they see is the receptionist and the second is me. So, we represent the company’s image. If I can appeal to the interviewee, they will feel at ease, comfortable, and will consider that the company is a good career choice for them.

I have exceptional, professional communication skills. The most important HR duty that I believe is how and what to communicate with CEOs, GMs, supervisors and other departments’ managers. HR is a support department so it depends on other operating departments.

For instance, I always discuss recruitment and activities with other departments’ leaders. They always give me their requirements, then I look for suitable candidates according to their requests. I have always successfully found the best person who meets the department’s priorities. After interviewing, I give feedback to the departments’ leaders.