F2F Class Notes 2nd May (Cricket)


humid-chao shi- moisture in the air

eg. Shanghai is very humid.

eg. The desert is not very humid.

humidity– percentage of moisture in the air

eg. Today it is 80% humidity.

pollution-wuran- anything that harms the environment

eg. I like the rain sometimes because it lowers the air pollution PM 2.5.

mild-wenhe de-

I would like my food mild.

The weather was mild yesterday.

He only suffered mild injuries.

I thought he had a mild personality.

contagious-chuan ran de

eg. Last week I called into work sick because I was contagious.

motivate- to encourage someone to achieve something or move towards their goals

eg. My boss motivated me to learn English.

inflection– cixing bianhua

eg. The more you listen to spoken English the better your inflection will be when you speak.


It will be many rains.- It will be rainy season. It will rain a lot. 

I don’t know what’s meaning.- I don’t know the meaning of what you are saying.

I think my poorest area is in vocabulary and pronunciation.


A study says social media makes exercise ‘contagious’. Researchers found that people who put details of their exercise on social media motivate other people to exercise more. Researchers tracked 1.1 million runners over a five-year period. They looked at the runners’ social network use, distance, time, speed and calories burned. They concluded that sharing exercise data on social media inspires others to exercise more, harder and more competitively.

The study- has reports- of how reading about a friend’s exercise- can be inspiring. It said an extra kilometre run by friends can inspire someone to run three-tenths of a kilometre farther, and an extra ten minutes run by friends can inspire someone to run three minutes longer. Social media improved slower, less in shape runners, and those who were showing signs of overtaking a friend. If you run more, it is likely that you can make friends run more.

The flow of a sentence

The study- has reports- of how reading about a friend’s exercise- can be inspiring