F2F Class Notes 2nd March (Tanya) [s]


Substitutes (people) – 替身

To recognise – 认出 to see someone or something and realise you know who or what they are

e.g.  I almost didn’t recognise you without your glasses!

Speaking exercise


This show is on every Thursday. One of friends in this show, he from Thailand, he speaks Chinese with a Thailand accent. So the tones of his speaking is very funny and he think he tries very well without any dialect. He like to show his rings. He always say it doesn’t mean he is very rich (re rings). I will look their appearance. My favourite is Anrong, he is from Australia.

I remember they call their group TK11. Besides their group they have some extra person like they have another people from different country who will join. This person not formal person in their group but sometimes someone will instead of one in this group.

Their pronunciation is very good, I think. I think people like watch this kind of TV show. Maybe they can help us understand something outside of our country, outside of China. They have no problem with language. They from different country. One time you can accept a lot of information of one things. They will tell you something that happen in their country. One thing is how to deal with it in different way.

I think the problem maybe is … As a Chinese, your English teacher is Chinese. But, as a foreigner, your Chinese teacher is Chinese. The problem is the pronunciation of the Chinese English teacher. This kind of situation will make our English become Chinglish.


This show is on every Thursday. One of the people in this show is from Thailand. He speaks Chinese with a Thai accent.

So his pronunciation when he speaks is very funny and he thinks he speaks very well, without any dialect. He likes to show his rings. He always says it doesn’t mean he is very rich. I recognise him by his appearance. My favourite is Anrong, he is from Australia.

I remember they call their group TK11. Except for their group, they also have some substitutes who are from different countries than the group, who join the show sometimes. These people are not formal members of their group but sometimes a substitute will take the place of someone in the group.

Their pronunciation is very good, I think. I think people like to watch this kind of TV show. Maybe they can help us understand something outside of our country, outside of China. They have no problem with the language. They are from different countries. They will tell you about something that happened in their country. The topics are about how to deal with things in different ways.

I think the problem maybe is … As a Chinese, your English teacher is Chinese. But, as a foreigner, your Chinese teacher is Chinese. The problem is the pronunciation of the Chinese English teacher. This kind of situation will make our English become more Chinglish.


Listen to the recording of the text and read the text out loud in the next class!