F2F Class Notes 2nd March (Celeste)
coordinate / coordinating / coordinated / will coordinate v. – combine in harmonious relation or action.
eg. My arms cannot coordinate with my legs.
coordinated adj. – The dance team was not coordinated.
uncoordinated adj. -The dance team was uncoordinated.
coordination n. – You need to work on your coordination if you don’t want to look clumsy.
off beat adj. – You are dancing off beat.
with/to the beat – She was dancing with/to the beat very powerfully.
continue to breathe / continuously breathe between the poses
smoothly breathe when changing poses
breathe fluidly
rhythm ( rih – thum ) ***
rhythmical / rhythmic
eg. The beat was rhythmical.
catch up – when you are behind and you need to be with the others
Swing dance is easy to get/do/learn.
She is my acquaintance. – sb who you know but not well
unfamiliar – not familiar with
eg. I’m unfamiliar with ballet.
socialize – When I moved to SH I knew I would need to socialize more.
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