F2F Class notes 2nd July (Eddie)

wing suit – a suit people wear to fly



1. It has four legs.
2. It can’t fly.
3. Some have short tails and some have long tails.
4. It is not a horse.
5. Some people eat this animal, other people don’t want to.
6. It is not a bird.
7. It is not a snake.
8. Sometimes they can be pets, sometimes they can’t.
9. Some can be white, black, brown, etc.
10. Some can swim, some can’t.

A: a dog

Jerry 1 – 0 Eddie 

1. It has two legs.
2. It can’t speak English. It’s an animal!
3. It is a bird.
4. It can’t fly.
5. I don’t know if people eat it.
6. It is not an ostrich.
7. It lives in a cold place.

A: It is a penguin.

Jerry 2 – 0 Eddie

1. It is an insect.
2. It is a small insect.
3. Nobody likes this insect. Maybe a few people like it.
4. It does not bite people.
5. Sometimes it is dangerous, sometimes it is not.
6. It has wings.
7. It is not a mosquito.
8. It is neither scary nor pretty.
9. I think there are 10 letters in its name.
10. It is not a milkfly. 🙂
11. It is not a cheesefly. 🙂
12. It is not a butterfly
13. It is a fly.

Jerry 3 – 0 Eddie :((