F2F Class Notes 2nd Feb (Harmony)

seldom had chance to see her – I didn’t see her very often

at home together – home alone together

shout/ yell / call out

taught me playing football taught me to play football

grasshopper: a small insect with long back legs so that it can jump high.  Lives in grass, or wheat fields. 

ex:  I caught a grasshopper outside. 

squid:  a ten armed sea animal, that has a cone shaped head. 

ex:  We dissected a squid in science class.

ex:  Squid is very delicious to eat. 

Octopus:  a sea animal with a rounded head, will shoot ink.  They have the suction cups on their legs. 

ex:  The octopus saw around slowly.

gym class:  a class at school designed to keep kids active, and teach them sports.

ex:   Gym class is my favourite class at school.

played bad jokes – teased